Capital Improvement Projects Plan
Planning for the Future (2023 – 2027)
New Braunfels is repeatedly ranked as one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. In response, NBU has an aggressive capital improvement project plan to build and enhance necessary infrastructure to ensure we are prepared to meet the community’s electric, water, and wastewater needs for generations to come.
NBU is investing more thanย $979 millionย intoย 161 projects over the next five years.

View our FY 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Projects Overview for a high-level overview of our current and future projects.
Click on the map below to see an interactive display of current Capital Improvement Projects. Below are some helpful tips to best utilize the map.

1. Each icon on the map represents a specific electric, water, or wastewater Capital Improvement Project. Using the map legend by clicking the left-most icon on the toolbar to the right can be a great way to navigate the icons and distinguish the different types of projects,

2. Each icon is also clickable and will provide information about the project selected. The name, the summary, the projected impact to traffic, and more are all listed.