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Drought Tolerant Watering

Did you know you can help manage your New Braunfels Utilities bill and protect our natural resources by conserving your water usage?

Small changes in your landscaping and watering practices can make a big difference. Practicing these tips can help save thousands of gallons of water per year — some drought planning tips and tricks include using drought-tolerant plants that are adapted to this area to reduce outdoor water use by 20 to 50 percent.

Watch the video below to learn about water conservation and the benefits of letting your grass go dormant.

Resilient Water Supply and Water Resource Planning

On August 8, 2022, former NBU CEO Ian Taylor gave a presentation to the New Braunfels City Council explaining our resilient water supply and how we plan to meet the needs of our community for generations to come.

View the Presentation
Daily Water Reading

Water conservation is important to us.

Stage 2 Restrictions
Ten Day Average

Drought Tolerant Planting

Hold in moisture and prevent runoff by replacing grass with artificial turf or xeriscaping, grouping plants with similar watering needs together, and applying mulch over the soil. Always try to buy and plant local, native, erosion-preventing plants to landscape your lawn — permaculture equals conservation by design!

Plan to water before 10:00 a.m. and after 8:00 p.m. to prevent evaporation.

One half to one inch of water every other week will keep most lawns healthy. Rain barrels can be used to help harvest water for your plants. Avoid watering on windy days.

Spruce up your garden the drought-tolerant way with the plants below.

Drought Tolerant Local Plants Include:

Artemisa, Asparagus Fern, Belinda’s Dream Rose, Bicolor Iris, Blackfoot Daisy, Bluewood Condalia, Bougainvillea, Bur Oak, Burford Holly, Bush Morning Glory, Cape Plumbago, Cedar Sage, Century Plant Agave, Chinquaping Oak, Crepe Myrtle, Desert Willow, Esperanza, Fall Aster, Firebush, Indigo Spire Sage, Inland Sea Oat, Jerusalem Sage, Juniper, Knockout Rose, Lamb’s Ear, Lantana, Larkspur, Lavender, Maidengrass, Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Butterfly Weed, Mexican Feather Grass, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mexican Oregano, Mexican Turk’s Cap, Mountain Laurel, Muhly Grass, Pink Skullcap, Purple Coneflower, Red Yucca, Rock Rose, Rosemary, Salvia greggii, Salvia microphylla, Silver Ponyfoot, Spineless Prickly Pear, Squid Agave, Texas Betony, Texas Bluebonnet, Texas Gold Columbine, Texas Palmetto, Texas Red Oak, Texas Sage (Cenizo), Thyme, Tropical Milkweed, Twisted Leaf Yucca, Verbena, Winecup, Yarrow, Yaupon Holly, and Zexmeni.